Diyan Dimitrov

Diyan Dimitrov

Diane Dimitrov, born 1977 in Sofia. He works in portraits, landscapes, still-life, composition, and he likes to combine all these genres in his surreal paintings. Creative demand for the artist is primarily to discover and touch the fourth dimension through his works. As a technique, painting is a combination of dense and fresh tones, which are expressed in a gentle Renaissance technique intertwined with classical master strokes of the Alapprim Brush.

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1999 Sofia University - Pedagogy of Fine Arts;

2000 - 2005 National Art Academy - Special Painting by Prof. Teofan Sokerov and Prof. Andrey Daniele.


2000 - Exhibition "Krug" Gallery - Sofia

2001 - Award of Balkan Galleries - Sofia

2002 - Prize of the National Academy of Fine Arts - naked body competition - Sofia

2002 - Exhibition "Interpred" Gallery - Sofia

2004 - Participation in the Marrakesh / Morocco fresco project

2007 - Exhibition at Natali Gallery - Varna

2008 - Exhibition "From-To" Gallery - Varna

2009 - Independent exhibition at The Smithfield Gallery -London

2010 - Independent exhibition at Indie Gallery Varna

2011 - Autumn Salon Gallery "Graffiti Gallery" - Varna

2012 - Organizes and Curators Exhibition "Orthodoxy" GORG "Boris Georgiev" - Varna

2012 - Exhibition "Art storm" Graffiti Gallery - Varna

2013 - Autumn hall "Continuous cities" Graffiti Gallery "- Varna

2013 - Exhibition in Yukka Gallery - Varna



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