Grigor Mitsev

Grigor Mitsev

Григор Мицев e роден в град Казанлък през 1967 година. През 1986г. завършва Художествената гимназия в София, а през 1995 се дипломира в Художествената Академия в София спец. „Скулптура“ при проф. Крум Дамянов. През 2005 получава Степен „Meisterschuler“ при проф. Норберт Прангенберг в Мюнхен, а през 2006 и Диплом от Академията за изящни изкуства Мюнхен, Германия отново при проф. Норберт Прангенбер.

More about the author

Grigor Mitsev was born in the town of Kazanlak in 1967. In 1986, graduated from the Art School in Sofia, and in 1995 graduated from the Art Academy in Sofia, a specialty "Sculpture" by Prof. Krum Damianov. In 2005 you received a degree in "Meisterschuler" with Professor Norbert Prangensberg in Munich, and in 2006 a Diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Germany again with Prof. Norbert Prangenberger.

Prizes, Contests, Scholarships

2000 - Winner of the ZDF competition for small plastics in Munich;

2001 - Scholar of the Bavarian Ministry of Science, Research and Arts;

2001 - Winner of Danner Preis, Academy of Fine Arts Munich;

2002 - First prize from the competition for the "Bernchard Wicki Filmpreis - Die Brücke" Film Prize, Munich;

2003 - First prize in the competition for the DIVA-Deut Deutsche Video Award Munich;

2003 - Winner of the competition from ZDF - Small Sculpture in Munich;

2004 - First prize from the BLM München competition for prize-giving plastic;

2004 - The Grand Prix of the Biennale for the sculptor from the Luxembourg Chamber;

2007 - First prize in the competition for the Lara-Der Deutsche Gamer Award, Köln, Germany

2010 - Insurer of the Year statuette, Sofia.

Participation in exhibitions:

1989- Autumn Sculpture Salon, Sofia;

1991- Participation of the Small Sculpture Biennial, Ravenna, Italy;

1992- Young Bulgarian Artists Exhibition, London; Otechestvo Gallery, Sofia;

1996 - Staircase Gallery, Sofia;

1997 - "Art-Dialogue" Collection, Paris;

2000 - Gestrandet, Odeonsplatz Munich, Germany;

2002 - Ceramics. Offenburg, Germany;

2003 - National University of Art and Music, Tokyo, Japan;

2004 - Give your image, Kempten Gallery, Germany;

2005 - Annual Exhibition, Munich Germany;

2008- Autumn Salon, Kazanlak Bulgaria;

2011 - Portrait of Biennial, Interbifep 14 Tuzla;

2014 - Le Papillon, Friends of the Sea Biennial, Burgas, Nat. exhibition sculpture, Sofia.

Solo exhibitions:

1999 - Aruid Gallery, Ruse, Bulgaria;

2000 - Seasons Gallery, Sofia;

2002 - "Rutzmoser" Gallery, München, Germany;

2005 - Krupan Gallery, Munich, Germany.



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